Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Spaghetti! Spaghetti!

My very own version of SPAGHETTI. Or what's left of it (lol!). Yes, it tastes good, always does, but the twist here is that my spaghetti is one that is evolving....the taste changes each time I make one but using same recipe, I am inclined to believe that it is indeed the person's mood at that particular moment of cooking, his essence,  that sets the unique motions through all these. That's the secret to cooking.... Well, everybody loves PERRY's SPAGHETTI! SPAGHETTI! (Borrowing the slogan of a very hilarious Pinoy TV ad.)

Note: I'm still searching for that commercial but the above is a good one too! Watch it! It's a "Will you Marry me?" theme spaghetti sauce ad....Enjoy....

Until my next SPAGHETTI version....;-)

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