Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Apples to Apples: Twelve Delicious Varieties - DivineCaroline

Apples to Apples: Twelve Delicious Varieties - DivineCaroline: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"
The Health Benefits of Apples: 

  • Cancer Prevention: Various studies have shown that eating apples helps prevent the development of various cancers, including: breast, lung, colon, and liver cancers. 
  • Lung Health: Daily apple consumption helps to lower symptoms of asthma and protect against lung disease. 
  • Heart Health: As a result of a unique combination of phytonutrients, flavenoids, and fiber, apples help support heart health and lower cholesterol. Many of these nutrients are found in the skins, so be sure to choose organic and eat the apple unpeeled. 
  • Memory and Aging: In a study done at Cornell University, quercetin, an ingredient found in apples, was found to potentially protect brain cells from damage that may result in Alzheimers. 
  • Bone Strength: Ingredients phloridzin (found only in apples) and boron help to increase bone density and strength. 
Apple Facts:
Top apple-producing country: China
  • Top five apple-producing states: Washington, New York, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and California.
  • Varieties: If you think that Granny Smith or Delicious are a couple of several varieties to choose from, think again. More than 7500 varieties of apples are grown in the world, with 2,500 grown in the United States. Red Delicious is the most popular in the United States and Golden Delicious is second.

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