Saturday, December 11, 2010

A dear brother's prayer....

O Allah, place light in yusuf's heart ,

light in yusuf's tongue ,

light in my yusuf's hearing ,

light in yusuf's sight ,

light behind yusuf ,

light in front of yusuf ,

light on yusuf's right ,

light on yusuf's left ,

light above my brother and light below yusuf ;

place light in yusuf's sinew, in yusuf's flesh, in yusuf's blood, in yusuf's hair and in yusuf's skin ;

place light in yusuf's soul and make light abundant for yusuf ; grant yusuf light and make yusuf light ."

Meet each other in paradise insha'ALLAH dear brother yusuf


From: Muhammed Refaat [Shokran my dear brother.....JazakAllah khair] 

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