Thursday, December 16, 2010

Grazing: A Better Way to Eat?

Grazing: A Better Way to Eat?
“Are you eating because you’re hungry or because it’s dinnertime?” is the question proponents of grazing ask. We’ve programmed ourselves to eat at certain times in order to set a social standard and leave time for other things, like work and play, but is this really what our bodies need? Our hunter-gatherer ancestors probably didn’t sit down to regular meals; more likely, they chose to pick up nuts and berries as they found them and as they needed to appease their hunger. Liberated from allegedly archaic mealtimess, grazers can instead revert to their own instincts, becoming mindful of their hunger and exactly what they would like to eat. That may mean munching on trail mix throughout the morning and eating a cheese sandwich at 4:00 p.m., rather than eating a full lunch and dinner and craving snacks later on....Molly Mann
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Grazing: A Better Way to Eat? - DivineCaroline: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"

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