Saturday, December 18, 2010

Los Angeles Protest & Vigil to Stop the Wars

Los Angeles Protest & Vigil to Stop the Wars

Los Angeles Protest & Vigil to Stop the Wars
Date: December 18, 2010
Time: 6:00 pm
Location: Corner of Hollywood Blvd. & Highland Ave.
Los Angeles , California
Contact: ANSWER Coalition at or 213-251-1025

Click here to endorse the December 18 Protest & Vigil.

Make this holiday season one of solidarity, peace, justice and struggle. Join ANSWER Coalition, other anti-war/peace groups and students, veterans and community organizations on Saturday, Dec. 18 for a protest and vigil in Los Angeles.

We'll rally at the busiest street corner in Los Angeles on the busiest shopping day of the year to say no to U.S. wars, racism and all attacks on working and poor people.

There will be anti-war banners and signs, photos of children affected by U.S. occupations and proxy wars, hundreds of candles, veterans just returning from a mass anti-war action in Washington, D.C., well-known speakers, musicians, Korean drummers and more. In addition, we call on artists and poets to help make this event even more exciting, visual and inclusive.

The U.S. war on Afghanistan is in its 10th year with no end in sight. U.S. troops still occupy Iraq. The government continues to fund the Israeli war state that occupies and oppresses Palestinians. Each day, over $500 million in U.S. taxpayer dollars goes to fund war on working and poor people abroad as millions of people in the United States are losing jobs, homes, health insurance, unemployment benefits and finding it harder to survive. This must end. We have to let the White House, Congress and everyone know that we will continue to build a movement for peace, equality and real change.

Join us on December 18 to demand:

* Stop the wars! Bring the troops home now!
* U.S./NATO out of Afghanistan! U.S. out of Iraq!
* Hands of Iran, Korea, the Philippines and everywhere!
* End U.S. aid to Israel! Free Palestine!
* Money for jobs, education, healthcare, housing--not war!
* Stand against racism, immigrant bashing, sexism and anti-LGBT bigotry!

Let's unite to stop U.S. wars abroad and demand funding for people's needs at home!

Protest & Vigil sponsored by ANSWER Coalition, March Forward!, Office of the Americas, KmB Pro-People Youth, Alliance for Just and Lasting Peace in the Philippines, Korean Americans for Peace, National Lawyers Guild, AF3IRM, Gold Star Families for Peace, Veterans for Peace, Youth & Student ANSWER, Students Fight Back, Free Palestine Alliance, Palestinian American Women's Association, Party for Socialism and Liberation, Topanga Peace Alliance, KPFK Community Advisory Board, Vamos Unidos USA, Freedom Socialist Party, Codepink and others.

Click here to endorse the December 18 Protest & Vigil.

For more info call 213-251-1025 or email

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