Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Prohibition of Riba Part 1

From: Our Brother Waqas Ali Khan There seems to be little understanding of the role that a European-created money-system has been playing in delivering to enemies of Islam the capacity to engage in massive legalised theft of the wealth of mankind. Nor is there realization tha...t those enemies have designed a monetary system that would eventually deliver to them financial dictatorship over the whole world. They have already succeeded in enslaving millions of Muslims (as well as others amongst mankind) with slave wages and even destitution, while pursuing a sinister global agenda on behalf of the Euro-Jewish State of Israel. It is truly pathetic to listen to those who blame Pakistanis and Indonesians for miserable poverty in Pakistan and Indonesia. The news media, even in countries that declare ‘Islam’ to be the State religion, is notorious for blanking out all news reports concerning this important subject. What is far worse than the news blackout is that classically trained scholars of Islam (i.e., ‘Ulamā) seem to share with ordinary Muslims this strange and highly embarrassing state of ignorance, or silence, concerning the fraudulent nature of modern money. Even when they realise that there is something dangerously wrong about modern money, so many in this strange modern age lack the courage to denounce the monetary system of non-redeemable paper money as fraudulent and, hence, Harām.

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