Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Spiced Rye Sourdough | Wild Yeast

Spiced Rye Sourdough | Wild Yeast

Spiced Rye Sourdough

Yield: 1000 g (2 loaves)

Approximate Times:

* Mix final dough: 10 minutes
* First fermentation : 1.5 hours
* Preshape, rest, and shape: 30 minutes
* Proof: 1 hour and 40 minutes
* Bake: 45 minutes
* Cool: 12 hours

Desired dough temperature: 80F


* 147 g flour
* 294 g coarsely-ground whole rye flour
* 280 g water
* 11 g salt
* 294 g mature 100%-hydration rye starter
* 1.7 g finely-grated orange zest (from 1/4 medium orange)
* 1 g cinnamon (1/2 t.)
* 1 g cardamom (3/8 t.)
* 1 g nutmeg (3/8 t.)
* 1 g whole anise seed (3/8 t.)
* 1 g allspice (1/2 t.)


1. In the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with a dough hook, combine all of the final dough ingredients, holding back about 10% of the water. Mix on low speed to incorporate the ingredients, adjusting the water as needed to achieve a medium-stiff consistency. The dough will be very sticky.
2. Continue mixing on low or medium speed to a medium level of gluten development. How long this takes will depend upon your mixer.
3. Transfer the dough to a lightly oiled, preferably transparent, container. Cover and ferment for about 1.5 hours at cool room temperature (68 – 70F). When it is properly fermented, you will be able to see gas bubbles permeating the dough when viewed from the bottom or side of the container.
4. Turn the dough into a floured counter and divide it in half. Preshape it into tight balls and let rest, covered, for 20 minutes.
5. Shape the dough into short fat batards and place them, seam-side-down, in a bakeable container or on a floured couche.
6. Sprinkle the tops of the loaves with rye flour and score in a close chevron pattern.

Many thanks to WildYeast.com!!!! Enjoy your holidays too....And yes, happy baking!!!!!
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