Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Amici and Cara Mia Gelateria at the Ayala Triangle Gardens | Pinoy Food & Other Cuisine :: Food PhotoBlog and Events

Amici and Cara Mia Gelateria at the Ayala Triangle Gardens | Pinoy Food & Other Cuisine :: Food PhotoBlog and Events: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"

Many, many thanks to:


  1. This is my first visit to your blog and I wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed my visit. I love the food photographs you share with your readers. I hope you are having a great day. Blessings...Mary

  2. Thanks Mary and welcome to my blog! It is my intention to make my guests enjoy their visits to my blog...a great pleasure as this serves as inspiration in my work. We may only be able to share so little but to others this may mean a whole lot.I wish you blessings in abundance as much. Great days ahead!...Yusuf
