Sunday, January 30, 2011

A House of the Artist as a Young Boy / Arquitetura da Vila | ArchDaily

Photos Courtesy of  Fabio Kotinda
A House of the Artist as a Young Boy / Arquitetura da Vila | ArchDaily

The project is for the home of a young couple, in a terraced house constructed in the beginning of the 20th century, in Jardim Botanico, Rio de Janeiro, and aims at establishing harmony among the existing set, the interventions made, and the environment, preserving the guidelines of its historical heritage. The goal was to fulfill the needs of its future residents. The factory-hand terraced houses form a set of 8 houses with practically the same kind of occupation of the allotment [50%] and dimensions of [4.5m o- façade per 18m -depth]. It is a preserved area by the historical heritage, and definitions draw the guidelines for the project. Firstly, the volumetric analysis and characteristics of the existing set of houses should be maintained, formed by the main façade towards the street [preserving the proportions and existing voids], the roof in ceramic tile, and the internal façade [which can be altered for new interspaces, but preserving the original structure].

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Many thanks!!!!

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