Saturday, January 29, 2011

If You Can Be Unknown, Do So....

Bismillah , Al-Hamdulillah , WasSalaatu WasSalaamu Alaa Rasoolillah!
Assalaam O Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabrakatuhu!

*!!* If You Can Be Unknown, Do So.*!!*

It is reported from Al-Fudayl ibn ‘Ayyaad that he said:

"If you can be unknown, do so. It doesn’t matter if you are not known and it doesn’t matter if you are not praised. It doesn’t matter if you are blameworthy according to people if you are praiseworthy with Allaah, Mighty and Majestic."
Al-Bayhaqi, Az-Zuhd Al-Kabeer p100


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