Sunday, January 23, 2011

Maison des Maîtres Chocolatiers Belges / Gwenaël Hanquet | ArchDaily

Photos Courtesy of
Maison des Maîtres Chocolatiers Belges / Gwenaël Hanquet | ArchDaily

Minale Design Strategy created the store name. «The idea was to build an emblematic store that would identify and personalize the country’s master chocolate makers, he continues. The Maison is a federating element, a brand in its own right. We did not want to create a shop that would be but a patchwork of various artisans and their wares. At the Maison des Maîtres Chocolatiers, on the contrary, each individual brand is showcased for its specific qualities, in a homogenous, value-enhancing setting.»

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Many thanks to!

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