Monday, January 24, 2011

Ocean of my Dreams....

Ocean of my Dreams 
by Rumi

I sail with you in the Ocean of dreams
To a far away distant places
Of great beauty
And tranquaility.

Where pain and suffering
Do not exist.

Where we give praises for,
Our joy and happiness,
Where our love intertwines,
With the love for all things.

O’ beloved Compainion of my heart,
Keeper of my soul,
You have reached out and touched
The essence of my being,
And showed me the way,
To the higher plane,
Your love has awakened me,
From my years of slumber,
A beckoned call to spiritual world,
Where my body is mist in the mountains,
This is where my heart belongs,
This is where my soul lives,
Because I love you,
Yes ‘ I love you,
Ya Allah , I love you.

Compainion of my heart,
Keeper of my soul.

No one knows desire except for,
The one who bears it,
Nor fervent longing except for,
The one who suffers from it.

When I am with you we stay up all night,
When you are not here, I cant sleep,
Praise God for these two insomnias!
And the difference between them.

A moment of happiness,
Thou and I together here,
And in the timeless sweet land,
We feel the flowing water of life here,
With the garden’s beauty,
And the birds singing.

The stars will be watching us,
And we will show them,
What is it to be a thin, crescent moon.

This is where my heart belongs,
This is where my soul lives.

Because I love you,
Yes I love you,
Ya Allah, I love you!

Companion of my heart,
Keeper of my soul.
Companion of my heart,
Keeper of my soul.

As shared on FB by our Sister Indra...

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