Monday, January 24, 2011

Record House Revisited / David Jameson Architect | ArchDaily

Photos Courtesy of  Paul Warchol Photography
Record House Revisited / David Jameson Architect | ArchDaily

Four decades after their project was featured in the 1969 Record Houses issue of Architectural Record, the owners sold the house to a young couple. A condition of the sale was that the new owners would respect the character of the project, yet be able to revisit and alter the contained quality of the interior rooms to create a continuous living space visually connected to the woodland site.

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  1. Hi,

    It is always safety for us, people must serious about their architects design they have. This is really interesting take on the concept. I never thought of it that way. Thanks...

    House Architect

  2. Hello House Architect!
    Glad that you appreciate this particular post. Old homes have always fascinated me,we may come up with many new designs but the architectural designs and concepts of the past cannot be undermined. Oldconcepts combined with the new can truly bring us to greater heights!
    Many thanks. Come back anytime!
