Friday, January 28, 2011

"So remember me....I will remember you...."

Allah (swt) says in the Qur’an:

And when My servants ask you concerning Me, then surely I am very near; I answer the prayer of the supplicant when he calls on Me, so they should answer My call and believe in Me that they may walk in the right way.
(Surat al-Baqara, 2:186)”

I recollect my teacher of local language telling us about this great Aayah(Sign) of Allâh when I was a student at school.I had felt very deep Qurb(closeness and nearness to Allâh) that day.

It is the same Qurb we feel in all Sunnah A’mâl(Actions):Salâh(which includes Qiyâm-ul-Lail(Standing in worship at night in Salâh reciting in ‘Arabi the memorized Qur’ân),Tahajjud,Tarâweeh),Sawm(which includes ‘Aashoora,Ayyâm-ul-Abyad(The bright days:13,14,15 of the lunar Hijri months when the beautiful full moon is the most bright) ,Fasting ,Sadaqah(Charity which essentially includes the obligatory annual Islamic charity Zakâh),Hajj,Dhikr(which includes Tilâwah) and especially Du’â(by Raising hands in supplication and invocation).Qurb grows and grows with more and more A’mâl(Actions),more and more Hasanât(virtues which are written down by Malâikah(Angels).

May Allâh cause us all to grow in His nearness,closeness and qurb everyday.
Those moments in Dunyâ(life of this temporary,evanescent world) which pass without Dhikr(Remembrance of Allâh by tongue and heart by Asmâ-ul-Husna or Tasbeeh for example) are something we would miss in Jannah,May Allâh admit us into it.

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