Wednesday, February 9, 2011

4 Plants Saved from Extinction by the Endangered Species Act

4 Plants Saved from Extinction by the Endangered Species Act - Planet Green

A recent study completed by biologists from around the world, including scientists from the United States and Great Britain, has concluded that 22% - over 1 in 5 – of plant species are endangered.

While those numbers are daunting, it was wonderful to read the news that the Maguire Daisy, formerly threatened by mineral exploration and other human disruption, has recovered, and was de-listed from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's Endangered Species list earlier this month. Most often, plants end up on the Endangered Species list as a result of disruption, most commonly in the form of habitat loss due to human activity.

To celebrate, here are four plants saved from the brink of extinction.

Photos Courtesy o f Wikimedia Commons

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