Thursday, February 17, 2011

Guide Line by Darwis Triadi

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A Reflection: By Dervish Triadi

The journey to perfection is a process to determine every step we tread. What makes "more" of the steps we are the ability to use the time to do various things with the maximum. Whether for yourself or someone else. So, what does it mean for us as a photographer?

In my opinion, a photo trying to capture time. A camera, freeze, and mengabadikannya. But the recorded image is of a scene in front of the camera. The time is always there beyond the photographs, so that the interpretation of a photograph is always influenced by historisitasnya when someone looked at the photograph. Picture in picture may terandaikan immortal, but its meaning is always shifting with the times.

Photo is an image at the time. Kala means time, and the image is a picture. The images recorded by the camera image is divided by a dimensionless time. Time, in my opinion as a photographer is: Moment. What was the point of a picture when I record the moment do not give a spirit or soul of the image. If only we can not use time well, the moment an image object will "evaporate" or simply overlooked.

I will try to quote a wise proverb. "If you want to know what it means time 1 year, ask students to repeat classes. Meaning 1 month, ask the mother who gave birth prematurely. Meaning 1 week, ask an editor of a weekly magazine. Meaning 1 day, ask someone who works with daily salary. Meaning 1 hour, ask a girl who was waiting for her lover.

Then, the meaning of 1 minute, ask a person who missed the train. If you want to know what it means for a second watu, ask the athlete to run 100 meters. Or if you want to know about the meaning of time and life, ask the person to be sentenced to die tomorrow. "Next, what is the biggest secret of life? In my opinion, live life today with the full meaning. Time sometimes feels fast, sometimes too slow. During this journey, the time to guide my life line to the front. With respect time, it is appropriate that we make life more meaningful plan for myself and society in general.

At the foot step to realizing the ideals, can sometimes change without us knowing it. All existing governing is: GOD. We must not regret, why not according to plan we want. It must be realized, no one who could make a life with the perfect plan. All are destined by the Almighty. Believe me, there's a great plan that has the Lord created for ourselves.

When pondering again about the time, I increasingly do not know. The more I mused, the more misterilah Father Time. Well, better I go through the course of time. Life goes on in tandem with Father Time. When to start, when to end, when alive, when dead, who knows?

Examples such as the journey of my life prior to wrestle the world of photography. At first I was living as a pilot. However, during berjalannnya time, hearts and minds of this led me to pursue the profession as a photographer. Though I have not yet mastered photography techniques. Because time has become a guide line of my life, so I try my best and best to utilize time more meaningful for myself and society. I use the time to keep learning and working.

And now with time and age, I only lives in twice. Once as a pilot and the other one as a photographer. Time is something that will never go back. He will go on, although there is a crying prostrated him to stop. A great person is one who can keep up with time. Not the people who left behind by time.

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