Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Health Benefits of Pineapple | Panlasang Pinoy

Photo Courtesy of markus941
Health Benefits of Pineapple | Panlasang Pinoy

Children from tropical countries know what a pineapple looks like. This is because the fruit grow best in humid climate and is readily available almost whole year round. For others, pineapple is just a simple canned fruit – or better yet a fruit shaped like Sponge Bob’s house.

One known Health Benefit of Pineapple is its ability to prevent scurvy. This fruit is rich in Vitamin C, but there is more to it than that.

Pineapples contain an important enzyme called bromelain. This enzyme has been found to be an effective anti-inflammatory compound that helps reduce swelling. It is also known to treat sore throat, arthritis, gout, and acute sinusitis.

Another Health Benefit of Pineapple is its ability to assist in digestion. It is more advisable to have pineapple in between meals to enable proper digestion that can lead to weight loss. If pineapple is eaten with any other food, it will first digest the food that was eaten with it, leaving a little effect on the other foods and proteins stored in the stomach.

Eliminating free radicals from our body is important. Pineapple, like berries is also high in anti-oxidants. This is responsible in protecting our cells from free-radical build-up that can lead to asthma, colon cancer, and rheumatoid arthritis.

Other Health Benefits of Pineapple include: Goiter prevention by regulating the thyroid gland; protects against bronchitis by removing the inflammation of the bronchial tubes; prevents high blood pressure; removes worms from the intestine; prevents dyspepsia from occurring.

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Taguig City, Metro Manila, Philippines
I got a confession to make. I am food addict, over-indulgent! I crave for anything especially sweets, chocolates, cakes, ice cream, strawberries, halo-halo, leche flan, banana Q, breads, pasta, Nasi Goreng....tell me what you got in your fridge ;-D. Thank heavens for I got my mum's genes, I can gain and lose pounds that easy and quick. I am here to share with you my food recipe collection (almost forgotten in a corner of my room) and search for new, exciting recipes, meet good people, and discover more about the world of baking. I am no professional baker or chef (just a wanna-be for now) but we'll get there in time. In sha Allah. Afterall, DREAMS just got to start somewhere, and it starts right here, right now! Meantime enjoy this food journey with me among other stuff....amigos to the kitchen! [Thank you for visiting my blog,you're always welcome to come by! Feel free to dig deep into the posts, much treasures there. And leave your comments, I'd appreciate your words....] [P.S. Borrowed articles/photos can be deleted anytime, please advise.Thank you.]

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