Thursday, February 3, 2011


Our Prophet Muhammad salallahu alayhi wasallam said, "The Faithful are to one another like [parts of] a building - each part strengthening the others."

[Al-Bukhari and Muslim]
 Allah says He will not change the condition of a people until they first change it themselves. We have got to stand up for ourselves and say enough is enough, it's time for us to be free. My brothers and sisters in Islam, change is upon us but we need to help ourselves by helping our kin. There are powers in this world that oppress our people and therefore us, but there is none more powerful than Allah, and it is only with Allah that we will find our victory. Pray, pray, pray for the Muslim Ummah.
This fight is one that must be UNRELENTING...InshaAllah

We as Muslims must realize that we should CEASE to look up for support from non-Muslim countries in our fight for righteousness and justice....our brand of justice and rightesousness is... one of ISLAM, and they will never comprehend that.

This fight must be one that is DETERMINED, matter what it takes...

Allah (swt) shall empower the believers....AMeen.....

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