Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Real Love....

Real LOVE  
by Naeem Seagal
Real love is the look in someone's eyes
that is meant for you alone,
a gentle kiss that says everything will be okay,
a hand held in just the right way
at just the right time.

Real love is a secret told by one heart
and guarded by another,
a belief that someone knows you
as no one else can,
the little day-to-day acts of thoughtfullness
that go unmentioned but not unnoticed.

Real love is a feeling that no matter where you are,
the deepest part of you
remains with the one you love,
a dream that comes true
with time and trust and a little luck.

Real love is a promise of forever!!

The reason it hurts to separate...
is bcoz our souls are connected.
And i have never been so desperate;
just by losing u ahead.

Maybe we've live a thousand live before...
and each of them we've found each other.
We loved each other then for sure;
and there had never been another.

I have spent every life before this...
spent searching for you.
And every life i had professed;
that my love for you is true.

Your soul and mine must always come together...
but we've been forced to say goodbye.
For reasons so hard to decipher;
like facing a love one die.

We'll see each other in another life;
we'll find each other again.
The stars may change... the spark, the light;
but our souls will see no end.

My soul will find yours...
like those as times of olds.
Like a weary knight on his horse...
Seeks___till the secret unfolds.

Time has no meaning...
love will endure.
Our souls will keep believing...
that we belong for sure!!

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