Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Eleven Dieting Truths You May Not Want to Hear

Photo Courtesy of  HealthAge
In today’s non-stop media environment, there’s certainly no dearth of tips, advice, and gimmicks for weight loss. Advertisements tell you how to “Lose thirty pounds in thirty days!” TV infomercials claim that you can “Eat what you want and still lose weight!” And magazine headlines claim it’s easy to “Lose one jean size every seven days!”

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Eleven Dieting Truths You May Not Want to Hear - DivineCaroline
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Many thanks to DivineCaroline!

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People who continuously force them selves to count their calorie intake are seen to suffer from increased psychological stress. Even doctors should also think before recommending their parients to follow strict diet because it can cause long term health damage. Chronic stress could promote weight gain and can also cause high blood pressure, cornory heart disease, cancer and diabetes.
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