Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Is Blogger Copyright Dead?

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Is Blogger Copyright Dead?: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"
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Blogging revolutionized people's freedom of expression. The whole idea of blogging came out for the purpose of finding an avenue for practically anyone to have a voice and that voice be heard. Revolution meaning away from customs, traditions, rules....To my mind the genuine bloggers are those not after the money they can earn from blogging for that defeats the purpose of the very revolution that is blogging. These bloggers would not be way too offended if their works are copied, just being credited or quoted for their work is enough encouragement for them to write more or continue blogging (expressing themselves). I believe the ones after money, "commercial bloggers" we may call them, should just confine themselves to writing books so they can have all the copyrights in the world that they want. The internet is still evolving, the protectionist block should not defeat the whole idea of WWW. After all, it is meant to benefit everyone....

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