Friday, June 3, 2011

Cheddar-Stuffed Crusty Sourdough Loaves

Photos Courtesy of girlichef
girlichef: Cheddar-Stuffed Crusty Sourdough Loaves

Cheddar-Stuffed Crusty Sourdough Loaves
inspired by & adapted from King Arthur Flour
yield: 2 loaves

1¼ c. (~147 g.) Unbleached Bread Flour
1 tsp. salt
½ c. cool water
good ladle-full (~6-8 oz) of 100% Hydration Sourdough Starter*

all of starter*
1¼ c. lukewarm water
3½ c. (~413 g.) Unbleached Bread Flour + more as needed

garlic oil (or olive oil & a bit of minced garlic)
2½ c. (~8 oz.) Extra Sharp Cheddar, shredded

Mix all ingredients together. Starter will be pretty dry. If it seems too dry and will not come together, add another Tbs. or so of water at a time. Cover and let sit overnight at warm room temperature. It should look bubbly in the morning.

Combine risen starter and other ingredients. Knead either by hand or using a mixer or bread machine. Dough will be a bit 'tacky'...but not so sticky that you cannot handle it. If it is too sticky, simply knead in a bit more flour until it handles nicely. Place in an oiled bowl (or let bread machine do its work), cover and let sit until doubled in size, ~1-1½ hours.

Turn dough out onto a lightly floured surface and knead for a minute or two. Pat and stretch, using your fingers, the dough into a large rectangle, ~9' x 12'. Drizzle with a bit of oil (~1 Tbs.) and sprinkle cheese evenly over the whole thing.

Starting with the long side, roll into a log. Pinch seams together and let sit, seam-side down, on a lightly floured surface (covered with lightly sprayed plastic wrap) for ~1-1½ hours, or until puffy. Preheat oven to 425° F during last 20 minutes of rising time.

Cut log in half and place, cut side UP onto parchment-lined (or silpat or simply greased) baking sheet. Yes, it's a bit awkward...but it's supposed to be no worries. Spritz with some warm water.

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Many thanks girlichef!

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