Saturday, June 18, 2011

Do it for the sake of Allah....

♥ for the sake of Allah ♥

♥ If you see an ant in the street, don’t step on it
Do it for the sake of Allah, may Allah have mercy on you as you had mercy on it
♥ If you saw a sparrow drinking from a pond of water in the street, don’t pass by it so you don’t scare it
Do it for the sake of Allah, may Allah grant you peace on the day when all the hearts will come right up to the throats because of fear
♥ If you pass by a cat in the middle of the road, hold it to a safer place
Do it for the sake of Allah, may Allah save you from the bad ending
♥ If you had leftovers, try to give them to a homeless hungry cat/dog
Do it for the sake of Allah, may Allah provide you with unexpected sources of livelihood
♥ If the summer heat intensified, put a container filled with cold water for birds in your window, so they can drink from it
Do it for the sake of Allah may Allah quench your thirst on the day of the greatest thirst

♥ ♥ ♥ Remember that Allah forgave all the sins of an adulteress because she gave a thirsty dog water to drink....
A little Compassion, love, charity and even the little acts of kindness ....Do it for the sake of Allah....

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