Thursday, June 9, 2011

The Power of Positive Thinking

Photo via  | High Existence
Positive Thinking

1. Expect good things to happen!
2. Disregard and replace negative thoughts with positive ones.
3. Stop hanging out with negative people.
4. Before starting on any new project or activity, visualize the positive outcome that you want to come from what you are doing. Do not under any circumstances let yourself fear or consider failure or your fear will come true.
5. Do things that make you happy! If you don’t feel like doing something, don’t do it.
6. No more saying I can’t, only I can. Even I think I can is not good enough. “You know you can.” Anything is possible with optimism.
7. Walk and sit with a straight spine and shoulders back. Good posture breeds confidence and thus optimism.

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Read more on....
The Power of Positive Thinking | High Existence

Many thanks High Existence!

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