Saturday, July 31, 2010

I've Been Busy....Busy Baking Part 8

My apologies as my mood gets in the way. I knew I promised for the recipes, we'll get there....wait 'til the mood gets an upswing and everything's done in a jiffy. For now I will supply you with photos of my baking (mis)adventures.   Everything turn out quite well in the kitchen the past few days...
Here is my second attempt at the NO-KNEAD BREAD ( shhhhh, it is better than the first one, a whole lot better, it is edible hahahaha! Not perfect yet but, edible!)

Ooooops, that is the culprit, I mean, my dog Pusa Mae, who had lovingly bitten my hand almost a week ago. Everything 's fine with me now and the dog.  No worries. Nothing major. We're both crazy already in the first place anyway. LOL.
The baking adventures continue....

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