Saturday, July 31, 2010

I've Been Busy....Busy Baking Part 9

The WHITE LOAF BREAD has been well received. I baked two loaves this time, one stays with me ( few slices went to my Aunt visiting from Australia) while the other one goes to MACAU ahead of me ;-(
These photos were taken from my veranda looking towards my late father's old family home built in 1948. Yes, while waiting for the dough to rise. hehehehe....
See how good I am at baking now, at slicing and packaging hehehe....You just don't know I had to do with whatever limited tools and materials I had just to give a go to my baking passion. It is all worth it! Believe me. Anything you do with passion will always give you that indescribable feeling of satisfaction and accomplishment.

And below are few photos of my  SUGAR COOKIES ( almost like the famous PUNISHMENT COOKIES, I said almost ;-)), I call these photos looking inside a jar of cookies. There could be something poetic about it!

Next post, more on Perry's "famous" SUGAR COOKIES....

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