Thursday, November 18, 2010

"Astig" along some other simple images....

"These are simple images from late last night, this afternoon and this evening.... a bright moon shining peeping through my window, like it was watching, staring at me.....a cloudy afternoon, clouds forming images that seem to speak of some news, then suddenly dark clouds hover the skies....then night falls, another bright full moon shining in a dark between, electricity just went off, just in our house! as some tenant made a little mistake that caused everyone's day to stop and go slow.....situations like this remind us that no matter how we plan our lives, there are just things way beyond our control....lesson: each day be thankful and offer your day to God, breathe, breathe deep (as smelling the roses or the green grass) wouldn't hurt to stop for a while and really see, smell, hear, to use our senses as they are meant to come out feeling better, stronger (AStig!) as you have connected with your soul, and with you Creator....Alhamdulillah....Things will always be okay in the end.....We have a great God who looks over us. ALlah hu Akbar. God the Almighty..."

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