Ang pag-abot sa mga masasarap at matatamis na mga pangarap atbp. samu't sari ng buhay.... [Making dreams deliciously sweet realities plus other tidbits of life....]
Saturday, December 31, 2011
TRUE LOVE is....
الحب الحقيقي هو
الحب القائم على ((استيعاب)) الحبيب ، ((قبوله)) بعيوبه و نقائصه ، على ((مصارحته))بهدوء و روية بما يزعجك و سماع رأيه ، و محاولتك الصادقة لتفهمه و قبوله
الحب الذي يتسلح بقوة ((الحــوار)) أمام الإختلافات ، بقوة ا((لتسـامح)) و الغفران أمام الخطأ و الزلل ، بقوة ((الصبـــر)) أمام ملمات الحياة و شدائدها
هو الذي يأخذ من الماضي أجمل ما فيه ، ليصنع منه تاريخاً جميلاً يعيننا على نوائب الأيام و يمد البصر إلى المستقبل فينفث فيه تباشير الأمل و التفاؤل ، و ينظر للحاضر على أنه بسعادته و شقائه ، تجارب تستحق أن نعيشها و نتعلم منها
هو الحب الذي يستوعب النقائص بوضوح و يضعها في مكانها الصحيح ،
لـيـــس الحب الذي يتجاهل العيوب و يغض الطرف عنها و يهملها ثم يبكي بعد ذلك من حبيب ليس هو الحبيب و حب ليس هو الحب !
Basic Pancake Recipe - Laura Vitale - Laura in the Kitchen Episode 276
Lana Del Rey - Born To Die
Feet don't fail me now
Take me to the finish line
Oh my heart it breaks every step that I take
But I'm hoping at the gates
They'll tell me that your mine
Walking through the city streets
Is it by mistake or design
I feel so alone on a friday night
Can you make it feel like home
If I tell you you're mine
It's like I told you honey
Don't make me sad
Don't make me cry
Sometimes love is not enough
And the road gets tough I don't know why
Keep making me laugh
Lets go get high
The road is long we carry on
Try to have fun in the meantime
Come take a walk on the wild side
Let me kiss you hard in the pouring rain
You like your girls insane
Choose your last words
This is the last time
Because you and I
We were born to die
Lost but now I am found
I can see but once I was blind
I was so confused as a little child
Trying to take what I could get
Scared that I couldn't find
All the answers honey
[ Lyrics from: ]
Don't make me sad
Don't make me cry
Sometimes love is not enough
And the road gets tough I don't know why
Keep making me laugh
Lets go get high
The road is long we carry on
Try to have fun in the meantime
Come take a walk on the wild side
Let me kiss you hard in the pouring rain
You like your girls insane
Choose your last words
This is the last time
Because you and I
We were born to die
We were born to die
We were born to die
Come take a walk on the wild side
Let me kiss you hard in the pouring rain
You like your girls insane
Don't make me sad
Don't make me cry
Sometimes love is not enough
And the road gets tough I don't know why
Keep making me laugh
Lets go get high
The road is long we carry on
Try to have fun in the meantime
Come take a walk on the wild side
Let me kiss you hard in the pouring rain
You like your girls insane
Choose your last words
This is the last time
Because you and I
We were born to die
We were born to die...
Friday, December 30, 2011
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Monday, December 26, 2011
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Saturday, December 24, 2011
know when to hold your tounge....
"A tongue has no bones but it can break a heart…..and also it can be a pillar of strength to a broken heart…"
Friday, December 23, 2011
Be Yourself....
Be Yourself....
The world would like to change you;
There are pressures all around.
You must decide just who you are,
Then firmly hold your ground.
You have an image of yourself,
An ideal sense of you;
And to this vision you must always
Struggle to be true.
You know what you are good at,
And you know where talents lie;
But if you're ruled by others,
Your uniqueness could pass by.
Remember, there is much to learn;
But all new things aren't good.
Wisdom lies in what we learned,
And what we have withstood.
So, be yourself and don't allow
The world to take control.
Preserving your identity,
Is life's most precious goal.
Written by Bruce B. Wilmer
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
6ixth Sense - Maafkanku
Hadirnya dirimu,
didalam hidupku,
Telah merubah segalanya
Dan telah aku lewati,
saat gelap hidupku,
Namun aku masih tak menyakini,
Diriku yang cuba menghapuskan,
Mimpi-mimpi buruk yang lalu
[ Lyrics from: ]
Inginku berlari,
dan menggapai hasratku
Apakah kau kan berlalu pergi,
Terkapai-kapai aku,
inginku membuktikan,
kejujuranku kepadamu,
Dan kini kusedari diriku,
Masih liar untuk dimiliki
Kerna mengingkari janji
yang terpatri dahulu padamu,
Atas kekurangan yang ada
pada diriku ini.
didalam hidupku,
Telah merubah segalanya
Dan telah aku lewati,
saat gelap hidupku,
Namun aku masih tak menyakini,
Diriku yang cuba menghapuskan,
Mimpi-mimpi buruk yang lalu
[ Lyrics from: ]
Inginku berlari,
dan menggapai hasratku
Apakah kau kan berlalu pergi,
Terkapai-kapai aku,
inginku membuktikan,
kejujuranku kepadamu,
Dan kini kusedari diriku,
Masih liar untuk dimiliki
Kerna mengingkari janji
yang terpatri dahulu padamu,
Atas kekurangan yang ada
pada diriku ini.
Cokelat - Karma
Sekian lama kita bersama
Ternyata kau juga, sama saja
Kau kira kupercaya semua
S'gala tipu daya, oh percuma
Kau buat sempurna, awalnya
Berakhir bencana
Reff I :
Selamat tinggal sayang
Bila umurku panjang, kelak ku kan datang
'tuk buktikan, satu balas 'kan kau jelang
Jangan menangis sayang
Kuingin kau rasakan, pahitnya terbuang
Sia-sia, memang kau pantas dapatkan
Akhirnya, usai sudah semua
Kudapat tertawa, bahagia
S'lalu tampak indah, awalnya
Berakhir bencana …
Kembali ke Reff I
Kau buat sempurna, awalnya
Berakhir bencana
Reff II : Selamat tinggal sayang
Bila umurku panjang, kelak ku kan datang
'Tuk buktikan, satu balas 'kan kau jelas
Jangan menangis sayang
Kuingin kau rasakan, pahitnya terbuang
Sia-sia, memang kau pantas dapatkan
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Le Bonhuer....
Meet Perry

- Taguig City, Metro Manila, Philippines
- I got a confession to make. I am food addict, over-indulgent! I crave for anything especially sweets, chocolates, cakes, ice cream, strawberries, halo-halo, leche flan, banana Q, breads, pasta, Nasi Goreng....tell me what you got in your fridge ;-D. Thank heavens for I got my mum's genes, I can gain and lose pounds that easy and quick. I am here to share with you my food recipe collection (almost forgotten in a corner of my room) and search for new, exciting recipes, meet good people, and discover more about the world of baking. I am no professional baker or chef (just a wanna-be for now) but we'll get there in time. In sha Allah. Afterall, DREAMS just got to start somewhere, and it starts right here, right now! Meantime enjoy this food journey with me among other stuff....amigos to the kitchen! [Thank you for visiting my blog,you're always welcome to come by! Feel free to dig deep into the posts, much treasures there. And leave your comments, I'd appreciate your words....] [P.S. Borrowed articles/photos can be deleted anytime, please advise.Thank you.]
Works of My Hands
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