Monday, January 24, 2011

‘Baby, I love burned toast.’

Burnt Toast

“When I was a little boy, I remember one day in particular when she had made breakfast. She must have been very tired. My Mom placed a plate of eggs, and rather burned toast in front of my Dad. I remember waiting to see if anyone noticed. Yet all my Dad did was reach for his toast, smile at my Mom, and ask me how was I ready for school. I don’t remember what I replied, but I do remember watching him smear butter and jam on that toast and eat every bite!

When I got up from the table, I remember hearing my Mom apologize to my Dad for burning the toast. And I’ll never forget what he said: ‘Baby, I love burned toast.’

Later that night, I went to kiss Daddy and I asked him if he really liked his toast burned. He wrapped me in his arms and said, ‘Your Momma works hard day after day and she’s real tired. And besides a little burnt toast never hurt anyone!’ You know, life is full of imperfect things…..and imperfect people. I’m not the best football player either.

What I’ve learned over the years is that learning to accept each other’s faults – and choosing to celebrate each other’s differences – is the one of the most important keys to creating a healthy, growing, and lasting relationship.

We should learn to take the good, the bad, and the ugly parts of your life and lay them at the feet of Allah. Because in the end, He’s the only One who will be able to give you a relationship where burnt toast isn’t a deal-breaker! We could extend this to any relationship in fact – as understanding is the base of any relationship, be it a husband-wife or parent-child or friendship!!”

Source: Islam The Way of Life (FacebookGroup)


maylax said...

i got teary while reading this.... beautiful.....


It beautiful, mostwonderful in its simplicity...

Le Bonhuer....

Meet Perry

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Taguig City, Metro Manila, Philippines
I got a confession to make. I am food addict, over-indulgent! I crave for anything especially sweets, chocolates, cakes, ice cream, strawberries, halo-halo, leche flan, banana Q, breads, pasta, Nasi Goreng....tell me what you got in your fridge ;-D. Thank heavens for I got my mum's genes, I can gain and lose pounds that easy and quick. I am here to share with you my food recipe collection (almost forgotten in a corner of my room) and search for new, exciting recipes, meet good people, and discover more about the world of baking. I am no professional baker or chef (just a wanna-be for now) but we'll get there in time. In sha Allah. Afterall, DREAMS just got to start somewhere, and it starts right here, right now! Meantime enjoy this food journey with me among other stuff....amigos to the kitchen! [Thank you for visiting my blog,you're always welcome to come by! Feel free to dig deep into the posts, much treasures there. And leave your comments, I'd appreciate your words....] [P.S. Borrowed articles/photos can be deleted anytime, please advise.Thank you.]

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