Thursday, September 23, 2010

Cookbook - encyclopedia article about Cookbook.

Cookbook - encyclopedia article about Cookbook.

This is very interesting as it lists down famous cookbooks including historical ones and,
in chronological order....
I am getting back on this.

Here is a sample, the oldest one, between 4th and 5th centuries

De re coquinaria (Latin, "On the subject of cooking") was the Latin title given in early printed editions to the Roman cookbook now best known as Apicius.

Between 1483 (the date of the first printed edition) and 1936 (the date of Joseph Dommers Vehling's translation and bibliography of Apicius), there were 14 editions of the Latin text (plus one possibly apocryphal edition). The work was not widely translated, however; the first translation was into Italian, in 1852, followed in the 20th Century by two translations into German and French.

Vehling made the first translation of the book into English under the title Cookery and Dining in Imperial Rome. It was published in 1936. The translation is still in print, having been reprinted in 1977 by Dover Publications. It is now of historical interest only, since Vehling's knowledge of Latin was not always adequate to the difficult task of translation, and several later and more reliable translations now exist (see the bibliography section of the article Apicius).


  • Vehling, Joseph Dommers. (1936) Cookery and dining in imperial Rome. (1977 reprint, Dover: New York. ISBN 0-486-23563-7.)

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Le Bonhuer....

Meet Perry

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Taguig City, Metro Manila, Philippines
I got a confession to make. I am food addict, over-indulgent! I crave for anything especially sweets, chocolates, cakes, ice cream, strawberries, halo-halo, leche flan, banana Q, breads, pasta, Nasi Goreng....tell me what you got in your fridge ;-D. Thank heavens for I got my mum's genes, I can gain and lose pounds that easy and quick. I am here to share with you my food recipe collection (almost forgotten in a corner of my room) and search for new, exciting recipes, meet good people, and discover more about the world of baking. I am no professional baker or chef (just a wanna-be for now) but we'll get there in time. In sha Allah. Afterall, DREAMS just got to start somewhere, and it starts right here, right now! Meantime enjoy this food journey with me among other stuff....amigos to the kitchen! [Thank you for visiting my blog,you're always welcome to come by! Feel free to dig deep into the posts, much treasures there. And leave your comments, I'd appreciate your words....] [P.S. Borrowed articles/photos can be deleted anytime, please advise.Thank you.]

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