Friday, June 10, 2011

Cotton Soft Cheesecake

Photos Courtesy of  Bigheadmagicmad:
Bigheadmagicmad: Cotton Soft Cheesecake

(A) Cheese batter:
70g milk
30g fresh cream
100g cream cheese
10g caster sugar
2tsp lemon juice
2 egg yolks
30g cake flour
5g cornflour

Put milk and fresh cream into a double-boiler, with a low heat. Add in the soften cream cheese, using a hand whisk and mixing it into a smooth batter. Remove it from the heat and add sugar and lemon juice. Mix well. Add in egg yolk slowly once at a time. Then add the sifted flour and mix well.

(B) egg white mixture:
2 cold egg white
1/2 tsp lemon juice
30g caster sugar

Put egg white into a clean and dry bowl, using an electric beater, start beating egg white first, slowly add in the sugar then the lemon juice 1/2 tsp. continue beating until it form a stiff peak.

Combine A and B

Take 1/3 of the egg white mixture(B), fold it into the batter(A) with a spatula. Mix well and pour this batter mixture into the (B). Folding it lightly until it form a smooth batter, pour it into a 7 inches tin lined with the baking paper. Prepare another bigger cake tin filled with 1cm of hot water, place the cake on it and bake at preheated oven 180C for 15minutes, after that lower the temperature to 110C and bake until the cake is set about 35minutes.

C Topping:
1/2 tbsp gelatine powder
1/2 tsp cold water.

When the cake is cooled, brush the topping onto the cake.

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Many thanks to Bigheadmagicmad!

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Le Bonhuer....

Meet Perry

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Taguig City, Metro Manila, Philippines
I got a confession to make. I am food addict, over-indulgent! I crave for anything especially sweets, chocolates, cakes, ice cream, strawberries, halo-halo, leche flan, banana Q, breads, pasta, Nasi Goreng....tell me what you got in your fridge ;-D. Thank heavens for I got my mum's genes, I can gain and lose pounds that easy and quick. I am here to share with you my food recipe collection (almost forgotten in a corner of my room) and search for new, exciting recipes, meet good people, and discover more about the world of baking. I am no professional baker or chef (just a wanna-be for now) but we'll get there in time. In sha Allah. Afterall, DREAMS just got to start somewhere, and it starts right here, right now! Meantime enjoy this food journey with me among other stuff....amigos to the kitchen! [Thank you for visiting my blog,you're always welcome to come by! Feel free to dig deep into the posts, much treasures there. And leave your comments, I'd appreciate your words....] [P.S. Borrowed articles/photos can be deleted anytime, please advise.Thank you.]

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